
Unfurling Toward Wholeness

Do you have a longing to shift the way you relate to yourself, those you love, your work, and the world around you?

Somatics is a pathway toward more capacity for connection and more access to your inherent wholeness.

joyshaping somatics is a coaching practice committed to embodiment rooted in liberation, love, and joy

Through partnership with trauma survivors and our support networks, joyshaping invites individuals and groups into deeper access to our entire selves. 

Joy is freedom to be present with pleasure of all forms; joy is laughter, connection, moments in which we tap into our innateness.

The body learns on yes, and through somatics, we can experience more joy and aliveness after harm and disconnection.

“It is impossible to transform anything with the idea that only one small piece of a whole ecosystem matters. Land cannot thrive without water; the body cannot function without the heart and justice does not exist without spirit.”

Adela Nieves Martines, Healing Justice Lineages

floating mushroom


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